(Comparison) SR9009 Vs Cardarine

Cardarine boosts endurance and fat loss during cardio, while SR9009 enhances metabolism and fat burning. Both support cardiovascular health.
SR9009 Vs Cardarine

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I’ve used both SR9009 and Cardarine multiple times before, and while they have similarities, there are important differences that make one a better choice for certain situations.

In this post, I’ll give you the information you need if you’re stuck between SR9009 and Cardarine. How they work, their side effect profiles, results potential, endurance improvements and more.

Let’s start by going over what these two compounds actually are.

What Is SR9009?

SR9009, or Stenabolic, isn’t a SARM, but people often use it with SARMs for the fat loss and endurance results that it provides.

It’s a REV-ERB agonist, meaning it helps regulate fat burning, glucose use, and energy. It does this by activating REV-ERBα, which regulates how your cells use energy.

What makes SR9009 stand out is that it burns fat even when you’re not working out. It signals your body to keep burning calories at rest.

It’s also amazing for endurance. SR9009 boosts mitochondria (your muscle’s energy producers), which helps you push through longer workouts. My stamina increases, and I recover faster during my cycle when I’m on Stenabolic.

One slight drawback is its short half-life (4-6 hours), this means that you need to take it multiple times a day.

The main drawback of SR9009 is the low bioavailability. Some prefer the injectable version for better absorption, but the injectables have so little research behind it that I honestly never recommend it. We’ll talk more about this “problem”  and how to go around it later in this post.

What Is Cardarine?

Cardarine (GW-501516) isn’t a SARM either, but it’s often used in SARMs stacks for fat loss and endurance.

It’s a PPAR-delta agonist, meaning it helps your body burn fat more efficiently and improve your overall stamina by activating the PPAR-delta pathway which increases glucose metabolism and fatty acid oxidation.

The biggest reasons people use Cardarine is for fat loss. It allows your body to easily use stored fat as energy during workouts, which makes it perfect for cutting cycles.

Also read:  [FAQ] Is Cardarine Liver Toxic?

When I use it, I notice that I burn fat way faster with Cardarine than without it.

Cardarine is also great for endurance. It helps increase stamina during cardio sessions or intense training. My workouts feel easier, and I can go for longer without feeling fatigued.

One of the best things about Cardarine (and about SR9009) is that they are non hormonal.

This means: no testosterone suppression and no need for PCT.

Cardarine is extremely well-tolerated by most, with basically no side effects (if it’s a pure product).

However, some people (especially on forums) worry about the cancer risks from animal studies, but these involved much higher doses than what people typically use and for much longer cycle lengths. More on that later.

Fat Burning Comparison

Both SR9009 and Cardarine are effective for fat loss, but they work in a different way.

SR9009 boosts your overall metabolism, this will allow you to burn calories throughout the day, even at rest.

However, it has a low bioavailability, meaning it’s not fully absorbed when taken orally. To fix this, taking it sublingually is a better option. You can read more in my SR9009 bioavailability post.

Cardarine shifts your body to use stored fat as energy during workouts, which is great for fat loss while training.

Here’s a quick comparison:

SR9009 Cardarine
Burns fat all day Burns fat during workouts
Best for fat loss, even on rest days Best for workout endurance
Low bioavailability Linked to cancer studies (more on this later)

For steady fat loss, go with SR9009, but if you want to enhance fat loss during training and the best possible endurance, Cardarine will be the better fit. As for the cancer studies, we’ll dive deeper into that later.

Endurance Comparison

SR9009 boosts endurance by increasing the number of mitochondria in your muscles, which helps produce more energy during workouts. This leads to less fatigue and longer training sessions.

Also read:  [Before and After] SR9009 Results

Cardarine, on the other hand, shifts your body to burn fat for fuel instead of carbs, which helps extend your stamina during cardio and endurance activities. When I start using Cardarine, I can instantly handle longer cardio sessions without feeling as drained.

It’s very popular with runners and cyclists because it makes long-duration activities feel easier.

So, which is better for endurance?

Cardarine is more effective if you’re focused on cardio and long-distance endurance.

Here’s a quick comparison:

SR9009 Cardarine
Improves energy production Uses fat for fuel during exercise
Better for short, high-intensity training Better for cardio and long-duration endurance


SR9009 is well-tolerated, but its main drawback is its low bioavailability.

A lot of it isn’t absorbed properly when taken orally, which will reduce its effectiveness by a lot. Injectables aren’t a good option because of the low amount of research and data we have on them. So to get the most out of SR9009, you’ll want to take it sublingually.

Another minor issue with SR9009 can be potential insomnia. Some people have trouble sleeping if they take it too late in the day, as it can affect your circadian rhythm. To avoid this, don’t take it before going to bed.

Cardarine has minimal short-term side effects, and most people handle it well. The major concern comes from cancer studies done on animals at very high doses over long periods.

In these studies, rats were given extremely high doses of Cardarine over long periods, and tumors were found in various tissues. However, these doses were far higher and the duration much longer than what people typically use. As of now, no direct evidence links Cardarine to cancer in humans at typical doses.

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Here’s a comparison of SR9009 and Cardarine drawbacks:

SR9009 Cardarine
Low bioavailability (needs sublingual use) Cancer concerns from animal studies (high doses)
Possible mild insomnia Generally well-tolerated in short-term use

Both compounds are safe when used responsibly, but be mindful of SR9009’s bioavailability issue and the cancer studies related to Cardarine.

Dosages And Cycle Lengths

SR9009 is dosed at 20-30 mg per day, but because of its short half-life (around 4-6 hours), you’ll need to take it multiple times a day to keep the effects steady.

I recommend splitting it into two or three doses throughout the day. Most people run SR9009 for around 8-12 weeks, and since it doesn’t affect hormones, there’s no need for PCT (post-cycle therapy).

Cardarine has a longer half-life, so you only need to take it once a day. The typical dosage is 10-20 mg per day.

Like SR9009, Cardarine cycles usually last between 8-12 weeks. Since it doesn’t cause any hormone suppression, no PCT is needed afterward.

Both compounds are best used for cutting cycles or when you’re focused on endurance. I found that sticking to an 8-week cycle works well for me and most other people.

Cost And Sourcing

SR9009 is slightly more expensive than Cardarine.

That said, you’ve got to be careful with both – there are a lot of bunk products out there, especially with SR9009. To avoid getting ripped off, I always recommend sticking with trusted suppliers.

I’ve tested a bunch of sources, so if you want legit, lab-tested products, check out my company recommendation page.


SR9009 is best for all-day fat burning and boosting endurance during intense workouts. Just keep in mind the low bioavailability – you’ll need to dose it more often or take it sublingually for good results. It’s also more expensive.

Cardarine is the go-to for fat loss during workouts and major increase in stamina for cardio. It’s cheaper, once-a-day dosing, and doesn’t have the major absorption issues that SR9009 has.

But there’s that cancer study concern, even though the dosages used were more than 10x higher and the cycle length was 5x higher too. On top of that, they were testing Cardarine on rats that were cancer prone. The real risk for humans is unclear and all we have is anecdotal reports which seem to be positive.

Disclaimer: SARMs and other similar research chemicals aren’t approved for human usage. Always talk to your doctor for medical advice. Articles on this website are only meant for education and information.

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