[Comparison] YK11 vs RAD-140

YK11 vs RAD 140: Find the better option for you. We compare benefits, side effects, suppression, liver toxicity and more.
YK11 Vs RAD 140

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When it comes to SARMs, YK11 and RAD 140 are two heavy hitters that often get compared. While both of these SARMs can bring significant gains, they each work a bit differently and have distinct pros and cons.

Let’s dive into how they stack up against each other.

YK11: The Myostatin Inhibitor Powerhouse

YK11 is a unique SARM because it’s also a myostatin inhibitor. This means it not only boosts muscle growth but limits the body’s production of myostatin, a protein that restricts muscle development.

During my YK11 cycle, I gained around 15 pounds of muscle in just eight weeks. That’s insane muscle growth for such a short period!

YK11 is unmatched in terms of raw muscle mass. However, it does come with higher testosterone suppression, so be ready for a strong PCT. Joint pain was minimal, which surprised me since YK11 also helps strengthen bones.

RAD 140: The Strength King

RAD 140, also known as Testolone, is famous for increasing strength and lean muscle mass. It’s not a myostatin inhibitor like YK11, but it’s known for its dry gains and giving you that hard, vascular look.

During my RAD 140 cycle, I packed on about 10 pounds of muscle. While not as much as YK11, it was all lean muscle with zero water retention, making it perfect for cutting phases.

Strength-wise, RAD 140 truly shines. I felt stronger in the gym with every session, but it did make me more aggressive and irritable, something to keep in mind if you’re prone to mood swings.

Also read:  [FAQ] Does RAD-140 Cause Permanent Hair Loss?

Half-Life and Dosage Comparison

One of the main differences between these two SARMs is their half-life.

YK11 needs to be dosed twice a day because of its short 12-hour half-life, while RAD 140 has a much longer half-life of around 60 hours. You only need to dose RAD 140 once a day, which is more convenient if you don’t want to worry about splitting doses.

Side Effects: Suppression and Liver Toxicity

Both YK11 and RAD 140 will suppress your testosterone levels, but YK11 is significantly more suppressive. You’ll need a solid PCT after using either, but especially with YK11.

Another downside to YK11 is its potential liver toxicity. Since YK11 is methylated, it can be harsher on your liver than RAD 140, so liver support during your cycle is a must.

RAD 140, on the other hand, is milder in terms of liver impact but has been known to cause some users to experience hair shedding, likely due to its effects on free testosterone levels.

Muscle Mass Or Strength Gains

If you’re looking purely for muscle mass, YK11 is the clear winner.

It simply builds more muscle faster due to its myostatin-inhibiting properties. In contrast, RAD 140 excels in strength, making you feel more powerful during your workouts.

However, if you want lean, dry gains with added vascularity, RAD 140 should be your pick.

YK11 might make you feel more dominant and aggressive in the gym, but RAD 140 delivers strength boosts without increasing aggression as severely.

Also read:  [Review] YK11

Conclusion: Which SARM is Best for You?

If your goal is sheer muscle mass and you’re prepared to handle a strong PCT and liver support, go for YK11. It’s the best choice if you want to pack on muscle fast.

But, if you’re looking for strength, dry gains, and less aggressive suppression, RAD 140 is the better option, especially if you’re cutting.

Personally, I’d recommend starting with RAD 140 if you’re new to SARMs, as it’s less harsh than YK11. Once you’re comfortable with RAD 140, then consider testing YK11 to take your gains to the next level.

Disclaimer: SARMs and other similar research chemicals aren’t approved for human usage. Always talk to your doctor for medical advice. Articles on this website are only meant for education and information.

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