[Comparison] YK11 Vs Ostarine

Comparing YK11 and Ostarine to help you decide which SARM is best for your goals—muscle building, strength, and side effects explained.
YK11 Vs Ostarine

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I get asked about YK11 and Ostarine all the time. These two SARMs are popular, but they’re quite different in how they work, what they offer, and the side effects they bring. Let’s dive in so you can figure out which one is the better fit for your goals.


YK11 is unique because it’s not just a SARM; it also acts as a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin is a protein that limits muscle growth, so by blocking it, YK11 allows you to pack on serious muscle mass in a short time.

Muscle Growth
If muscle building is your main goal, YK11 wins hands down. It’s incredibly anabolic, and I’ve personally gained up to 15 pounds of muscle in an 8-week cycle. People love YK11 for breaking through plateaus and reaching new muscle growth levels that seem impossible with regular SARMs.

YK11 will also make you stronger. You’ll feel more powerful without the usual side effect of increased aggression that can come with other SARMs like RAD-140. You’ll dominate in the gym but won’t feel like you’re constantly on edge, which is a huge plus.

Side Effects
Now, the downside: YK11 is highly suppressive. It will shut down your natural testosterone production, which means you’re going to need a solid post-cycle therapy (PCT). You’ll notice the suppression in the form of lethargy, low libido, and even mood swings. You also need to watch your liver, as YK11 has a methylated group, making it hepatotoxic. I always recommend liver support during a YK11 cycle.

Also read:  [Before and After] Ostarine Results


Ostarine (MK-2866) is the go-to SARM for beginners. It’s milder than YK11 and perfect for people who are just getting started with SARMs. But don’t let that fool you—Ostarine is still incredibly effective, especially when it comes to cutting and maintaining lean muscle.

Muscle Growth
While Ostarine won’t pack on the same amount of muscle as YK11, it’s fantastic for preserving muscle during a cut. You’ll still see gains, but they’ll be more modest—think 5 to 10 pounds of muscle over a cycle. It’s also great if you’re in a calorie deficit and want to keep what you’ve worked hard for.

Ostarine isn’t going to blow you away with strength gains like YK11, but you will still feel stronger, especially in the first few weeks of the cycle. It’s ideal if your primary goal is body recomposition or cutting.

Side Effects
The beauty of Ostarine is that it’s much less suppressive than YK11. Most people don’t even need a PCT after an Ostarine cycle, which makes it perfect for those who want to avoid the heavy suppression and other side effects that come with stronger SARMs. However, it’s not completely free of side effects. You’ll likely experience some suppression, though much milder than YK11.

Comparing YK11 vs Ostarine

Muscle Mass
If muscle mass is what you’re after, YK11 wins. It’s powerful, and you’ll see dramatic gains in a short period. Ostarine can’t compete here, but it’s still solid for those looking for lean gains or trying to maintain muscle during a cut.

Also read:  (Comparison) Ostarine vs RAD 140

YK11 takes the crown again when it comes to strength. Ostarine will help, but YK11 just gives you that extra power in the gym, especially if you’re pushing for PRs.

Side Effects and Suppression
Ostarine is the clear winner for side effects. It’s far less suppressive and doesn’t require the hardcore PCT that YK11 demands. If you’re worried about testosterone shutdown, liver toxicity, or other side effects, Ostarine is the safer choice.

Cutting vs Bulking
If you’re cutting, Ostarine is your best bet. It helps maintain muscle while shedding fat and won’t cause significant water retention. YK11, on the other hand, is ideal for bulking or anyone looking to break through their natural muscle limits.


If you’re a beginner or looking to cut, Ostarine is the clear choice. It’s less suppressive, easier to handle, and still effective for muscle retention and moderate gains. However, if you’re ready to push your limits, pack on serious mass, and increase your strength dramatically, YK11 is the way to go. Just make sure you’re ready for the side effects and plan a proper PCT.

For high-quality SARMs, including both YK11 and Ostarine, check out my recommendation list. I’ve personally tested all the companies on there to ensure you get the best results and avoid bunk products. You can find the list here. And as always, feel free to shoot me an email at eric@sarmsmentor.com if you have any questions.

Also read:  (Comparison) LGD 4033 vs RAD 140

Disclaimer: SARMs and other similar research chemicals aren’t approved for human usage. Always talk to your doctor for medical advice. Articles on this website are only meant for education and information.

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