[Before and After] YK11 Results

Discover real before and after results from people who used YK11 for muscle growth and strength. Learn about dosages and timelines.
YK11 Before And After

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YK11 is one of the most powerful compounds in the SARMs world, and the before and after results people experience can be dramatic. Whether you’re focused on building muscle, increasing strength, or improving definition, YK11 can help you achieve serious progress.

Here’s a look at some real-world results from people who’ve run YK11 cycles, and what you can expect if you’re considering trying it.

Muscle Growth Results with YK11

One of the main reasons people use YK11 is for muscle growth, and I’ve gotten several emails from people who’ve seen impressive results during their bulking phases.

One guy shared his story after running a 6-week bulking cycle at 15 mg per day. He gained 8 pounds of lean muscle while staying relatively lean. He said his muscles felt fuller and harder, and he noticed a significant increase in his shoulder and arm size. By the end of the cycle, he was stronger and felt more confident in his overall physique.

Another person reached out after running 20 mg per day for 8 weeks. Their goal was to add as much lean muscle as possible without putting on too much fat. They gained 10 pounds and said that their chest and legs grew noticeably. They didn’t feel bloated or puffy and were really happy with the quality of the muscle they gained during the cycle.

Strength Gains and Performance on YK11

While muscle growth is a big draw, many people also use YK11 for the strength gains it can deliver.

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One user emailed me after finishing a 6-week cycle at 10 mg per day. They said they saw major strength increases by week 3, especially in their bench press and deadlifts. By the end of the cycle, they were lifting heavier weights than they ever had before, with more explosive power in their lifts. They felt like their overall performance in the gym was the best it had ever been.

Another person shared their results after running YK11 during a strength-focused phase. They were taking 12.5 mg per day for 8 weeks and said their squat and leg press numbers shot up dramatically. By the end of the cycle, they had added 50 pounds to their squat, and their endurance had improved as well.

Fat Loss and Muscle Definition on YK11

Even though YK11 is mostly known for bulking, many users have also experienced fat loss and improved muscle definition.

One person shared their results after running YK11 during a recomposition phase. They took 10 mg per day for 6 weeks and reported losing 5 pounds of fat while gaining muscle. Their muscles became more defined, and they said they felt leaner but still stronger than before. They were especially happy with how vascular their arms and shoulders looked by the end of the cycle.

Another user combined YK11 with a cutting diet and ran 15 mg per day for 8 weeks. Their goal was to preserve muscle while getting rid of excess body fat. They lost 7 pounds of fat and managed to keep all of their muscle, which made their abs and chest look much sharper. They said that without YK11, they would have likely lost muscle during the cut, but it helped them hold onto their gains.

Also read:  [FAQ] Is YK11 Liver Toxic?

YK11 Dosages and Timeline for Results

Most people who emailed me about their YK11 results were running doses between 10 mg to 20 mg per day.

One user who was new to SARMs started with 10 mg per day and noticed changes in strength and muscle size by week 3. By the end of their 6-week cycle, they had gained 5 pounds of muscle and said their strength had significantly increased.

Another experienced user ran 15 mg per day for 8 weeks. They started seeing changes in muscle fullness and strength by week 2, and by the end of the cycle, they had gained 8 pounds of muscle while keeping their body fat in check.

Share Your YK11 Before and After Results

I always love hearing from people about their YK11 experiences. If you’ve run a cycle and want to share your before and after results, feel free to email me at eric@sarmsmentor.com. Whether you’ve seen muscle growth, strength gains, or improved definition, your story could help others decide if YK11 is right for them.

Your results might even get featured in a future post!


YK11 is known for delivering impressive before and after results, especially when it comes to muscle growth, strength, and muscle definition. Most people start seeing results by week 2, with the best progress happening between week 4 and week 8. The dosages people used typically ranged from 10 mg to 20 mg per day, with users consistently reporting significant gains in muscle mass and strength.

Also read:  [Before and After] Ostarine Results

If you’re thinking about trying YK11, these real stories should give you a good idea of what to expect. And as always, make sure to buy from a reliable source. If you’re unsure where to get high-quality SARMs, check out my recommended companies list to ensure you’re getting the real thing.

Disclaimer: SARMs and other similar research chemicals aren’t approved for human usage. Always talk to your doctor for medical advice. Articles on this website are only meant for education and information.

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