I’ve used both RAD-140 and Anavar multple times, went through the research and received dozens of user reports about those two on my email.
In this post, I’ll compare the two so you can get a good idea of how they compare in different aspects and which one is the better choice for you and your situation.
RAD 140
RAD 140, also known as Testolone, is one of the most potent SARMs on the market, it’s also one of the more popular ones.
The main focus of RAD 140 is not just gaining muscle mass but also gaining strength. It makes sense why it’s so popular with Crossfit competitors…
It’s suppressive so you’ll most likely need to do a PCT after you RAD 140 cycle.
The side effect profile is similar to other SARMs for the most part but it has one unique side effect in some people: aggressive moods.
If you want an in-depth guide to RAD 140, I recommend you read my full RAD 140 review that I regularly update.
Anavar is one of the most famous and popular oral steroids in the world. It’s kind of like the steroid equivalent of RAD 140, used for performance (strength and muscle).
It’s been around for decades and has a good amount of research behind it.
It’s often used by both men and women during cutting cycles to keep the muscle mass and strength gains on a caloric deficit.
It’s considered to be a “mild” steroid but it’s still a steroid so side effects are there. One of the biggest ones is liver toxicity, since it’s an oral steroid. There’s also cholesterold imbalances and of course, Testosterone suppression.
You will need a PCT after Anavar.
Comparing Gains and Strength
RAD 140 is the winner when it comes to muscle gains. RAD 140 is actually more anabolic and will get you much better muscle gains than Anavar.
When it comes to strength gains, RAD 140 is the winner over Anavar again.
RAD 140 is a much more potent and strong compound in both muscle and stregth gains aspects.
Anavar, however, can be much better than RAD 140 in certain scenarios like during a cutting cycle to keep the muscle mass and strength. However, Ostarine would be a better substitute for Anavar in that example since it’s not a steroid and has less side effects.
Comparing Side Effects
Since Anavar is a steroid, it has more potential side effects compared to a SARM like RAD 140.
This is because SARMs are selective and only bind to androgen receptors where we want them to (in the muscles and joints), steroids don’t have that property.
On top of that, since Anavar is an oral, we also have to deal with issues like liver toxicity and cholesterol which aren’t a concern with RAD 140.
While both of these suppress Testosterone, RAD 140’s suppression is easier to manage with just a simple PCT.
Comparing Price and Quality
Anavar is more expensive than RAD-140, especially since it’s a steroid.
RAD 140 is more affordable but there are a lot of bunk and underdosed products online.
I always recommend checking out my company recommendation page to find quality RAD-140. This way, you’ll know you’re getting the real stuff.
RAD 140 is the better choice in almost all situations except maybe during big cut. Even then, some other SARMs would be a better choice than Anavar.
Anavar is a steroid so it has a lot more potential side effects.
Ultimately, it depends on your goals. RAD-140 is better for bulking or recomping, while Anavar excels at cutting and aesthetics.